
Thursday, December 30, 2010

C is also for...


as in, the Cheesy Pennies Cookbook. Chock full of recipes from this very blog. I've spent the past month making this as a gift for my family this Christmas, and the book came out so well I just had to share it here.

Check out the cool preview, below!

You can actually buy one for yourself, through the Blurb Bookstore*. I apologize right now for the fact that it's not cheap. But they print these up custom, one at a time, on gorgeous thick paper, and it is over 140 pages long, with full color photos to go with every recipe. The process of creating it was both a joy and a huge amount of work, and I am really, really proud of it. Enjoy!

* Can't say enough good things about Blurb. Their software was easy and fun to use and the finished products are tremendous. The fact that this felt a little too much like giving birth without the nice drugs was not their fault.


  1. Nice! And you're a published author - I'm envious!

  2. I know, huh? it's the coolest thing to have actually created a real book. Gotta love the Web. But you will REALLY be published someday...which will be amazing!
