
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I can't has cheeseburger

I'm on a juice cleanse.
It's horrible.
Not because this is my breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Or because I can't have Diet Coke.
Those are hard, hard things.
But I can bear them.

On the other hand, opening a message from my husband* to find this?

Just plain cruel.  He's an evil man**.

* Via text, accompanied by the phrase (and I quote here) "MMMMM!"
Just to rub it in, this arrived 30 seconds later:

** Of course, according to him, I'm a fad-following ditz who should just bake a few less cookies and exercise more.


  1. Brian
    The onions could have been grilled more - but the picture is still mouth watering. You didn't just have one, did you?

