
Friday, November 2, 2012

Pardon the mess!

FYI, for the six of you who actually read this thing, I'm shifting the blog format back to the set up I had before, and there's clean-up work to do on some of the older posts as a result.   The good news is that I can add back the fun little side notes about books to read and cookbooks to buy, and all kinds of other  things that slick but useless dynamic view layout didn't support.  Stay tuned and bear with me, guys.  You probably need to hit the gym after those candy bar cookie bars anyway!


  1. As one of your six readers, I am very excited to see the return of the sidebar.

    But I refuse to go to the gym.

    1. The sidebar is very excited to be back, and appreciates your warm wishes immensely!

  2. Yay!!! As the second of your six readers I am thrilled to see the old format back. Love the blog regardless! Good luck with the transfer-we will all be patient and bake while we wait. I will give warm cookies to the people at the gym.

  3. Number three reader checking in. Come back soon. I'll just keep making the cookie dough butter gooey butter cookie dough bars

    1. Good choice! I'll be back this week, if only to save your arteries.

  4. Number four of six here. All I can say is yay!
