Let's just say that having coffee worked out way better for our steak than it did for Will Farrell*.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
I put an extra pluot on the barbie for you
And some pound cake, too.
Let's just say it was a very good day, mate.
Let's just say it was a very good day, mate.
I totally remember watching this on TV, partially because everyone kind of wants to go to Australia and see koalas, but mostly because we couldn't skip the commercials. I mention this to the kids --- minds BLOWN!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
21 years and counting.
* Why I am not really allowed to use hashtags. Per the kid on the left, "Mom, it's just embarrassing." #teenagersareannoying. #amIright?