
Sunday, May 11, 2014

YOU get an NBA Team! And YOU get an NBA Team!

My son has been a Clippers fan since he was barely able to talk.

My daughter, on the other hand, was only a vampire for a day

He and I have been going to games together almost his entire life.  It's our thing.

As the disaster that has been this past few weeks unfolded, he wrote an incredibly articulate piece about his feelings on his blog, Me+TV*.

Jasper Article on Donald Sterling

"Think of how amazing it would be if the Clippers won and showed Sterling that he isn’t better than them and to show him that they can succeed no matter how he feels. A team full of different races, and the fans from all over the world rejoicing in victory not only in basketball, but for equality as a whole. That would truly be something special." -- Jasper Pike

Naturally, that something special kid and I will be celebrating Mothers' Day downtown at Staples Center today, with my daughter and my husband and the rest of #ClipperNation.

Meanwhile, someone else is working on a fix as well.

You go, Mom.

* If you are a fan of intelligent television, you should check it out.  I'm slightly biased, but it's well worth a read.

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